It is a thrilling and joyful event to welcome a new puppy into your house. It can, however, present its own set of obstacles, especially when your furry bundle of energy appears to have an unending supply of wild antics. But don’t worry! You can quickly turn your boisterous ball of fur into a well-behaved…
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Client Testimonial
All I can say is “Thank You Tom!” This was the the most amazing training program I could have asked for. I live in Detroit MI, and have a 1.5 yr old yellow lab named Moses. He was struggling with being on a leash during our walks and I was at a loss of what to do. Tom’s expertise and patience made it possible for us to be unified on our walks and eventually even off leash! Being the busy person I am and living in a different state, Tom was able to help us via FaceTime sessions; where he would watch us train together and it felt like he was right there in person. Without the FT training, I would never have been able to get the results I was looking for with Moses. Tom just has so much to offer with his vast knowledge. I could literally go on and on with all the great things this program has brought into my life and all the information I’m walking away with. I would absolutely recommend America’s Canine Academy for training with any dog or just to gain knowledge no matter your geographical location.